Hp Qtp 11 Free Download Full Version

2020. 2. 18. 01:13카테고리 없음

. QTP 11 is about 3.6 GB in size so it will take around 3-4 hrs to download (depending upon your internet speed).

Once downloaded, you will get an iso file. Extract this iso file using your favorite unzipping software.( I prefer a nice and free utility software called 7zip which can be downloaded. You can download and install this utility.).

Once extracted, go inside the folder SoftwareQTP11.0EnglishT651015066 and double click on Setup.exe file. Choose default options on the next few screens.The place where it asks for QTP license keys, click on Cancel button. Remember You DO NOT need order number or license keys for the trial version. Come back and let us know through the comments section below if this has worked for you.You’re done.

All the best!

What You Will Learn:.HP UFT Download and Step-by-Step installation process:Step 1: HP UFT Download link:Click on the above mentioned link and the user will be navigated to the given below page. Once the given below page opens, read all details carefully and then click on “Download” button as given on the page.(Click on any image for enlarged view)Step 2: The next page will be “Enter the required information on the next page and click on “Continue” button.Step 3: Next, “Software Downloads Terms of Use” page will be displayed. Click on “I AGREE” button to proceed further.Step 4: Next page displays UFT 12.01 download Links, shown in the given below figure. Click on appropriate download link, it might take 1 or 2 hours depending on your internet or broadband speed.To get the setup.exe of UFT 12.01 software, click on the download link presented in “.Zip” format and ensures that you have already selected “ Using Standard Download” on the top right side drop down.Step 5: The dialog box displays compressed “.zip” folder of size 1.5 GB and allows you to save the “.zip” folder into the appropriate location of the system.Step 6: Once download completed 100%, go to the location where you saved the UFT Zip folder. Extract the Zip folder will display all elements required to install UFT 12.01, shown in the given below figure.Click on the setup.exe to install UFT 12.01 software.Step 7: A black color window will displays with many options. To install UFT 12.01, just click on the option “HP Unified Functional Testing 12.01”.Step 8: A UFT Installation guide dialog will be displayed. Click on “Next” button in Installer window.Step9: A “License Agreement” window will be displayed.

Click on “I Agree” radio button and then click on “Next” button.Step 10: “Customer Information” window will be displayed. Enter your Name and Organization info and click on Next button.Step 11: Next “Custom Setup” window displays with many Add-ins, choose the Add-ins which you want to install depending on your project. By default Visual Basic, Web and Active X add-ins will be selected.Step 12: “Select Installation Folder” window will display in Custom Setup section of UFT installer guide. Enter the folder path where you want UFT to be installed and then click on “Next” button.Step 13: “Confirm Installation” window will be displayed in Confirmation section of UFT Installer. Click on “Next” to continue the installation.Step 14: A blue bar known as “Validating install” will appear indicating that UFT is being installed.Step 15: Finish window will appear in UFT installer.

Finally click on “Finish” button on Installation Complete window.UFT 12.01 will be installed on your system.UFT LicenseNote: As I already mentioned above, trial version of UFT 12.01 comes for 60-days, when the trial period gets over, you have to purchase the tool to get license.UFT tool provides 2 types of License:. Seat: This license is specific to the computer where UFT is installed. Each installation requires a distinct license code. Concurrent License: There is no limit to the number of UFT installations on the network, but a floating-license server regulates the number of concurrent users that can work with Quick Test at any time. The number of concurrent users should be equal to the number of licenses purchased.UFT Trial license is valid up-to 60-days.

Hp Qtp Download


Avg 8 Free Download Full Version

It works on a system where UFT demo version is not installed before.